Catch Them Doing Something Right – More on Teaching

Receiving criticism can be useful for one’s development. Someone else can often see flaws in your execution from a better perspective and offer insights into how to overcome your most important challenges. However many live their life in a constant state of self-criticism. They see everything they do for its flaws; adding your points on top of them, as insightful Read More …

Toughing it Out, Switching Gears, and Taking a Break

I had a terrible night dancing just recently. A night where I felt completely disconnected from dancing – something that I truly am passionate about. I felt awkward, bored, frustrated, and completely in my head; disconnected from my whole. This is not a new feeling. I have experienced this before with swordplay. It’s something that I talk with my students Read More …

Preparing for a Rapier Tournament

(Warning, this is a very sword fighting training oriented post) So myself and a group of my senior students at Academie Duello are preparing for a rapier fencing tournament at the end of January hosted by the Society for Creative Anachronism called Ursulmas. This event typically attracts between 45 and 60 participants in the tournament including high quality competitors and Read More …