How Do You Foster Safety In Martial Arts?

Though safety may seem boring, uncool, or like an unnecessary consideration, it is a vital foundation for pursuing excellence in martial arts in both the short- and long-term. Having a solid approach to safety in your group is important for retaining members, keeping your body healthy, and for creating the space for experimentation. At my school, Academie Duello, safety is Read More …

How to Practice Predicting Your Opponent

“That is a really inefficient way to attack. What are they doing?” I think as my opponent winds up some particularly arduous looking strike. “Ah. Hitting me.” This is a scenario I have encountered on many occasions in my development. I’ve entered into combat with an opponent expecting a particular type of response, only to have them defy my expectations. They Read More …

Developing Tactical Senses

This is the second part in a series on Awareness. Part 1 explored how to develop your ability to recall and diagnose what’s happening in combat through three games. In this post I’m going to delve into the second definition of awareness: Feeling, experiencing, or noticing something (such as a sound or sensation). Tactics Being able to perceive in a precise and Read More …

What Happened: Three Games to Help You Develop Fighting Awareness

Merriam-Webster defines “awareness” as: Knowing that something (such as a situation, condition, or problem) exists Feeling, experiencing, or noticing something (such as a sound, sensation, or emotion) Knowing and understanding a lot about what is happening in the world or around you Awareness is an essential part of martial performance and learning. It allows you to know and understand your Read More …