Super Resilient Man!

At a party not long ago I was asked “If you were a super-hero based on the greatest strength you have now, what super hero would you be?”

The power that I feel has been my greatest asset is resiliency. I’m really good at getting up after I get knocked down. In fact I so rarely feel like I fail because every time something doesn’t go my way I start looking for a new angle a way through the challenge, a way to turn adversity into advantage.

When I look back over the past few years I have a hard time seeing my life as anything but a series of good fortunes and positive outcomes. Yet I know that there were many challenges. I know that there were times I was terrified beyond belief and had moments where I sobbed like a lost child. Yet somehow those moments don’t stand out in my personal history. They were transitions on my way to where I am now, not dead ends or failed outcomes.

All good stories have struggle. No matter how bleak it may look now. Know the tale isn’t over yet.

If the challenge seems to great, perhaps it’s a job for… Super Resilient Man!

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