The Good In Your Life Deserves Your Attention

Be careful where you put your energy. Where you put your attention is what grows.

If you allow yourself to spend too much time dwelling in a bad place you may find that the outcome is steered toward what you most fear might occur.

It’s easy to let our mind get caught into negative paths of thinking. Someone has wronged you; A part of your mind might dwell on that wrong, stew around and eat you up. Sometimes something scares you, and a part of your mind can whir on that worry, constantly going through permutations of what might occur. Perhaps you have encountered someone who doesn’t like you, and suddenly they occupy a huge section of your daily mental process.

I don’t believe that some supernatural force takes us toward these areas of our attention (though the so called “law of attraction” is perhaps not a bad metaphor). But I certainly do see how our thinking influences our actions in many subtle ways that are often hard to quantify. Being occupied by our haters, our worries, and stuck on our failure and foibles can create a space where at the very least we’re devoting less time and energy to the positive growth in our life and are thus starving it. Preoccupation in this way can distract you from opportunities that are appearing in front of you. Simply steering your own attention can steer the attention of others and sometimes that leads to direct energy going again into the negative instead of the positive.

Be mindful of where your put your thoughts and remember that it is far more worthwhile to hold good things in your head.

It is important to review our failures, learn from our mistakes, and take in critical feedback; however assess it for its value and then move on. Greater works deserve your attention.

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